Saturday, 31 January 2009

Look mum! I'm on t' Japanese!

Click here to see me on the local newspaper website!

The Okitama Times, for some reason decided to showcase the special 'piano recital' I did at Akayu Junior High school assembly for all the kids. It was only 15 minutes, and in a freezing hall, but I think they were all really happy to hear me play for them.

Here's a (very rough) translation:

'Jolly good bloke Christopher Pulleyn, Nanyo ALT, played four pieces at Akayu Junior High School at their morning assembly. Pieces played were Chopin's Minute Waltz (which was 20 seconds over the minute), Mozart's Piano Sonata in C (the famous one) first movement, 'The Letter' (which he played whilst singing in Japanese, which was the highlight of the performance), and 'Over the Rainbow' which he sang in English. Afterwards one of his fans came up on stage to give him a lovely bunch of flowers and said 'Ta' for playing for us today' and Chris was very happy...even if a little cold.'


Unknown said...

Ahhhhh: Konnechiwa Chrisu Des. We are very impressed. Oh you are going to miss all the press, TV and celeb. Status when you come home. We are Very. very, very proud parents.

Love You, Mum and Dad xxxxxxx

FunkyChicken said...

Yaay! Cool!

And so is your translation!
