Monday, 16 June 2008


The new school year starts in April in Japan. The arrival of Spring and the blossoming of the Cherry trees are rather poetic allusions to new and beautiful beginnings, coinciding with a fresh year for the students.

Strangely enough, since my visitors came over, I had little to no money left, and felt there was nothing much going on to tell you about, and nothing significant enough to tell you - no trips, events etc happening.

Now, all of sudden, I discover there is/has been loads to tell you about! So let me begin. First, before my grandparents and Kieran even visited Japan - there was 'The Big Shuffle' (as I would like it to be enigmatically named in English). I can't even begin to remember what it would be called in Japanese.

Basically, all the schools (EVERYWHERE in Japan), and all the civil workers for the cities have a big shuffle. On average people can stay in the same department, or school, or position etc for about 3-4 years. But some people can move after only 1 year, and some can stay in the same place for up to 8-10 years. Virtually every employee is considered in the change, but nobody has a clue when and where they will move.

The whole process seems to be a bit of a lottery, and I haven't quite worked out who exactly decides where people move to, or whether a person is moved based on acheivements, skills, qualities etc.)

Essentially its a time for promotions and bigger responsibilities, but from observation, you have to earn these through perseveration of smaller roles and dedication to your job.

I was sat in the office mid April - when the announcement was made. A paper booklet was passed around with each department and the changes made into it. It was quite an emotional time. Everybody sat around the head of the departments desk and the changes were announced. Before hand, people had been speculating with me as to who might move, but I don't think anybody expected who actually did. My supervisor, Mr Itagaki is originally an Elementary School teacher, and was moved to the position of Teaching Inspector and Advisor for the city five years ago. I get the impression he is quite keen to move back to school and teach again, but this year he did not move (which means he stays as my supervisor for my next year which is great because he's a very nice guy!). Once he does moves (which I get the impression is inevitable) the role he plays now, will set him up for the position of Vice-principal, and eventually Principal.

The dietician for the schools of Nanyo City was moved after 8 years in the Board of Education, as was a nice guy involved in the administration of the school. He spoke a bit of English too, and it was sad to see both of them go. The guy has moved to the Department of Agriculture (Rice fields!!!) and the Dietician has moved to the local general hospital.

On that same day, all the teacher would have found out whether they would stay or go, and where they would be going to next.

A few days later, we had this big ceremony to welcome new teachers from other towns and cities to Nanyo, and also to officially promote any principals and vice-principals that had been changed. (This ceremony I knew nothing about, except for that I had to arrive at the office half an hour earlier - and for which it sounded like it would be a good thing to dress in my best smart suit - a good choice in the end)

What with all the Kochos and Kyotos (Principals and Vice-principals respectively) arriving, and all the bowing and fancy language being used, and the fact that I would be formally introduced to all the new teachers along with all the other members of the Board of Education (Retrospectively, it was nice to feel included and considered as part of the Nanyo Board of Education staff, which is what I am after all!) - I was WELL nervous, and completely exhausted after the whole affair which finished at something like 10am!

Perhaps next year I will be a little more prepared for this crazy annual "end-of-days" occurance!

1 comment:

FunkyChicken said...

It sucks and it makes no sense! >_<

I remember when my favourite teacher left my school back in 2005. And then in 2006 I moved to Yonezawa and now we are at the same school again. Hoorah!
