I don't know if I ever mentioned in my Christmas Travels that I happened to lose my trainers in Thailand - so, I was trainer-less for a few months in Japan after that event. Luckily due to the snow, I only really need my long boots, but I spent lots and lots of time, scouring Japan from Tokyo to Yamagata to find some shoes that fit me. Unfortunately - none did. Not even in Tokyo! Japan uses Centimetres for there shoe sizes - and the largest I could really find, were 28cm size shoes. I am 30cms. I am also a little funny when it comes to shoe designs! I might have been able to squeeze into a rare pair of 29cm shoes I might have seen, but most of the time they were horrible designs for some reason.
So in the end, I had to resort to drastic measures. I imported a new pair all the way from the UK. Scotland to be exact! Thank goodness for Internet shopping! Thanks to 'Schuh' - I had a new pair of trainers (nice design and perfect size) in a very short space of time! There was only a stupid import tax that I had to pay which bumped up the price, but at least I have some nice trainers at last! I'll take care of these for sure!

My beautiful new shoes (that fit!)
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