A while ago, before I came to Japan. My predeccesor gave me a few photos of where I would be living. On the picture of the house, right in the corner, there was what looked to be a bonfire of sorts! A tall wooden wig-wam - but only a quarter of it was on the photograph. Nevertheless it got us all wondering what it was, especially my grandparents. Anyway, it seems I have solved the mystery.
Since about the beginning of November I've seen these wooden constructions popping up around Nanyo and the rest of Yamagata. Wondering what they were for, I discovered that they are to protect the trees and plants from the looming winter full of snow and frost.
So there we go! It seems that the photo my predecessor sent me must have been taken during winter - even though I received it around May or June! Sure enough, the tree in my neighbours garden now has the wooden wig-wam to protect it!
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