I will begin my blog about Thailand with a conclusion first. I wasn't too keen on Thailand overall. Let me explain to you why. One of the first instances began at the airport - you come out of the airport and you are bombarded by people offering you taxis. We had been told by some other British guys that the ones closest to the nearest exit overcharge everybody - taking advantage of the first time tourists who don't know any better. They tell us that we should go down one floor to get a cheaper taxi.
We followed their instructions to find it pretty deserted. A few guys either sitting down or wandering around. One of the comes up to as and asks us if we need a taxi. He didn't look very official, and when we said OK he started taking us to the parking lot saying his taxi was just over there. He was encouraging us to follow him quickly. We all felt a little bit uneasy with him, after asking for ID etc which he didn't provide us. So we decided not to take his taxi offer, instead letting Kathryn stop for a cigarette which, after a while, made us stop bothering us and go back to sitting around near the bottom floor airport exit - quite lazily, as though nothing had happened before and he had never been disturbed!
So we went back up to the main area and found the most official looking taxis, and it didn't turn out to be too bad a price. Such dodgy situations were the first or a few to come.
Our hostel on the other hand was the best part about Bangkok - the staff, a family I think, were so friendly, kind and helpful - the place was lovely and clean and safe! Kathryn tried to be fobbed off with counterfeit money from a taxi driver - very obvious counterfeit money. Me and David were suspicious of a few Thai people who came up to us speaking excellent English and chatting to us, then recommending places for us to go and giving us a suggested price and then all of a sudden a Tuk Tuk (small little three wheel Thai taxi) comes up ready to take us to wherever we went to go - and just so happens to know the entire route that the people suggest!
Another instance was a night when we wanted to go to a club in Bangkok. We had a particular one in mind...but the taxi driver took us to an entirely different one - that didn't look half as good as the other one. I had heard of taxi drivers taking places to particular places because they get commision - people were opening the doors of our taxi and encouraging us to get out and into their club, but we firmly declined the offer and insisted the driver take us to where we wanted to go - which he eventually did, although he was a little moody about it. Then, after that club closed - we thought about going to another place, if one was open - a Tuk Tuk driver claimed he knew a good place so we took up his offer - after he performed a wheelie as we drove off...he took us to the same dodgy looking club that the other guy before had taken us to! We found it hilarious and just told him to take us back to our hotel instead!

A beautiful Thailand sky. The weather was lovely and hot!

The club we went to 'Bed Supper Club' was like some kind of Spaceship! A very cool place with massive Beds all around the edges of the building.
Thailand was a little bit dirty and shady. The Taxi drivers drive around the city like maniacs! Complete maniacs! The food was so delicious - nice and spicy and full of flavour!
The historic buildings are beautiful too - and they all love the king so much! I really liked their dedication to that man! They wear clothes saying 'Long Live the King' and there were posters and homages everywhere to the King! At two times in the day the national anthem is played in various parts of the city, and people will just stop what they are doing and stand to pay their respects to the country!

The impressive buildings and temples of Bangkok.
The Royal Palace - Impressive eh? Wouldn't be surprised if that was actual real gold on those buildings, rather than that B&Q Gold-imitation spray paint...!

White Elephants are considered good luck for the King of Thailand - the more he finds the stronger he will rule! These model ones were the centre piece of a roundabout.
For the second half of our trip in Thailand - we went to an Island! It was called Koh Phanghan and was one of a group of three. This one was particularly famous for a monthly club - held every night when the moon is full on the beach. It also held a very big New Year Party so we decided to head on down for that. Unfortunately we failed to realise that loads more people would be heading down to the same party too! We tried to get a train but all the seats were booked up for days! After a bit of panicking - we decided on getting the night bus - even when I'm not in Japan that method of transport still haunts me! True to Thai form, the guys drive like maniacs so we didn't get too much sleep, but met some nice people on the way. Overall, to get to the island, we travelled non-stop for about 18 hours. The boat ride was three hours. We felt tired and dirty as we made it to the island - but we had a spot of luck when we discovered our hotel was right by the port where the boat docked!
The hotel was nice enough, and they had a pool which I took some advantage of! We had a good sleep and also, in the hotel, on this small island - I met a Thai guy who works there who lived in Dewsbury (of all places) for 2 years! His name was Poy and he spoke great English with a nice English accent! He was very cool - he asked me where I was from and I say (as I normally do) - in a town called Huddersfield, near Manchester! He immediately went 'Oh yeah, the football club is Huddersfield Town right?'. He'd visited the place a few times! It really is a small world sometimes!
The party was incredibly, on a warm night - loads of people all having a good time - lots of good music and drink - quite a nice way to bring in and celebrate the New Year! It lasted all night, I lost all the others but went back a little earlier than they did - leaving the party at about 7am. That same day - New Years Day, we had to catch the boat back for the mainland of Thailand - all feeling a little bit tired and worse for wear.

The sea around Koh Phanghan was so shallow for ages! I went and wandered out so far - I didn't actually realise how far I'd gone but I couldn't see Siobhan, Kathryn or David on the shore - and the water was still only up to my waist! On this picture you can see that Kat and Shib joined me!

My fellow Yorkshire Thai mate Poy. What a dude having lived in Dewsbury!

The Koh Phanghan New Year Party! Full of life as you can see!
Unfortunately the boat ride back was one of the most harrowing experiences I think we've ever had the opportunity of experiencing! The sea had turned REALLY nasty and it was expected to stay like that for a good few days. There were huge waves - the wind was high and the boat was crashing up and down on huge waves and tipping dramatically from side to side, making us feel it would almost capsize. People were being sick everywhere, the atmosphere was not good at all and I felt very scared. Only David was incredibly calm - placing full confidence in the boat all he did was read a book! Amazing.
Unfortunately Siobhan and Kathryn didn't handle the boat too well - before reaching the mainland the boat stops at another island (Koh Tao) 30 minutes away from the island we were on, Koh Phanghan. Siobhan was carried off the boat in a state of shock - violently shaking and so we had to quickly grab our belongings and follow her off the boat. So, we were stranded on an island with no accommodation and a plane to catch, up in Bangkok that we now wouldn't make! After a few minutes of tension and panic - we went to find some accommodation for the night and I began to start making some phone calls to rearrange our flights and other plans.

This photo documents us being stranded on Koh Tao - Siobhan is doing an impression of her state of shock whilst on the boat and I am mimicking our distress at our current situation!

Even more bad luck on Koh Tao - trying to take my mind of the next looming boat journey - I take the opportunity to build a sandcastle....only to have it ruined by a large dog who decided to SIT ON IT!
Koh Tao was actually a lovely island to get stranded on - it was a bit more natural and prettier than Koh Phanghan. We were all a little bit anxious and shell-shocked whilst we were on the island - and anxious about the boat ride we would have to take the next day. I couldn't get to sleep and so went for a wander at about 2am in the morning - the place was deserted. There was a 24hr open café that was completely empty and the man was slumped on the counter fast asleep! But the next day, we endured the horrific boat ride again - I thought that it wasn't as bad as the day before but Kathryn and Siobhan disagreed. Nevertheless we survived the ordeal and could get back up to the airport for our newly arranged flight. Everything from then on was relatively smooth!
Thailand was an interesting time, but quite a lot of experiences have probably made the taste of the place a little bit bitter!

Made it to Bangkok airport and back to our stupid selves! We had got into a habit of doing interesting actions and/or routines whilst on elevators - it was always guaranteed to entertain those who could see us in action!
Next stop China....back to Hong Kong....back to Tokyo....and back to Yamagata!