Lots of workshops and activites - there were a few cultural based workshops, in which I tried my hand at Sumi-e painting (traditional Japanese painting with Indian ink), and Ikebana (Japanese style flower arranging).
The seminar lasted from Wednesday till Friday, so it meant I got a bit of a break from teaching! On the Friday night a couple of JETs had planned a bit of a dance event at a small bar popular with foreigners in Yamagata City. It was brilliant! Clubs and places to dance are a real rarity anywhere other than the big cities like Tokyo and Osaka, there were loads of people there - mainly JETs but some from other English teaching projects and a some Japanese people from Yamagata university and Japanese English Teachers too.
It was called 'Kings of Neon' - because you can buy glowsticks and neon accessories from every 100yen store. There was so much neon! It was very colourful and it seemed that everyone really appreciated the chance to dance - I myself, was dancing pretty much for a solid five hours, along with some other wicked dancers (mention to Cherie the self-titled 'Queen of Neon', Dorrie and Julia for their serious (in both senses of the word). in the end, I was the last one dancing on the dancefloor - Max who was DJing, was playing tunes just for me! Great great fun.
Some of the guys made us our very own T-Shirts to promote the night - they're ace!
The place was packed and everyone was having a great time!
The day after it was an amazingly beautiful sunny and clear day. And....snow has been falling...especially up on the mountains. So me, Max and Siobhan went all the way up to the top of Mt Zao, the popular ski resort and one of the biggest mountains in Yamagata.
When we got up to the top it was about -5 degrees celcius, about a metre of snow at the top - and you could see for miles! Breathtakingly beautiful, although looking at the ski slopes - I'm getting a bit nervous of trying skiing or snowboarding!
In the evening (surprised I had so much stamina) I went to meet some new Japanese people who speak amazing English in Nanyo! We bought a few bottles of wine and had some great conversation!